How to Support Employees on Temporary Leave

Supporting an Employee on Temporary Leave

For human resources managers, one of the primary responsibilities is to ensure the well-being of their employees. When an employee needs to take temporary leave, it can be a difficult time for both the employee and the company. However, it is important to, not only the employee, but to the company, that they show support and care during these times of personal challenges. One way to do so is by sending a gift of nurturing items to help relieve the stress of whatever experience is taking them away from their day-to-day routine.

The reasons an employee might take temporary leave can vary greatly. It could be due to bereavement, pregnancy, family illness, personal injury or illness, death of a pet, sabbatical, or any number of other reasons. Regardless, taking time off work can be stressful and challenging for the employee, and it is important that they feel supported and cared for during this time.

A female sitting on a couch unboxing a blanket from a package.

When an employee takes temporary leave, sending a care package becomes a simple yet meaningful way to show that the company cares, therefore, taking the weight of any work-related stress off their shoulders. The package can include items that provide a sense of comfort during a difficult time, while also being practical and useful for the employee.

For an employee dealing with bereavement, for example, a care package could include comforting items such as tea, tissues, and a sympathy card. For something that can benefit their whole family, you can include soup, rolls, and cookies. While someone is grieving, they often don’t have the strength to eat, let alone prepare a whole meal. This can show the employee that the company recognizes and respects the difficult time they are going through, and that the company wants to offer support in any way it can.

Similarly, for an employee going through pregnancy, a care package could include items such as prenatal vitamins, a pregnancy journal, and a congratulatory card in addition to the soup, rolls, and cookies. This can show the employee that the company supports them during this exciting time in their life, and that the company values their contribution.

Two people holding in a doorway holding a Spoonful of Comfort care package

When an employee is dealing with a personal injury or illness, a care package can provide comfort and support. Items such as a cozy blanket, a heating pad, and a get well card can show the employee that the company cares about their health and well-being, and that the company is there to support them during their recovery.

Sending a care package can also be a great way to show support for an employee taking a sabbatical. A care package could include items such as a travel guide, a journal, and a postcard. This can show the employee that the company supports their decision to take time off and explore new opportunities, and that the company looks forward to their return.

The benefits of sending a care package go beyond simply showing support for the employee. It can also help to build a positive and supportive company culture. By showing that the company values the employees' personal well-being, a culture of empathy and support is created that can have a positive impact on employee morale and retention.

Sending a care package does not have to be a costly endeavor. Truthfully, the thought is what counts, and a small gesture can go a long way in making someone feel appreciated. Depending on the budget, the company could send a simple package or a more elaborate one. The most important thing is to show that the company cares and appreciates the team members, even through the seasons of their lives where they may not be working directly with the company.

To leave you with one last thought, sending a care package filled with comforting and practical items such as soup, rolls, and cookies can be a simple yet meaningful way to show support for an employee who has taken temporary leave. By recognizing the personal challenges employees face and showing empathy and support, a positive and supportive company culture is built that can have a positive impact on all of its staff. So, the next time an employee takes temporary leave, consider sending a care package. It is a small gesture that can make a big difference.