The Perfect Dinner When It's Too Hot to Cook
The Perfect Meal When It's Too Hot To Cook
Summertime check-in: Your kids and/or spouse keep secretly turning up the air-conditioning, and you now consider popsicles a balanced and complete breakfast. (Hey! Some of those popsicles contain real fruit! It totally counts!)
And even if you’re spending your summer days in an office space kept colder than the North Pole, the last thing you want to do is come home and spend the evening in a hot kitchen making a warm meal nobody wants to eat. Even firing-up the grill seems dangerous, but you’re pretty certain your family will rebel at the idea of popsicles for both breakfast AND dinner, so what can you do?
At Spoonful of Comfort, we’ve made it our mission to make delicious, homestyle food perfect for getting cozy on a cool evening. But even we know that while our soups taste great year-round, sometimes it’s just too hot to cook, even if all you’re doing is warming up a bowl of soup.
Great news though: we’ve solved the summertime dinner conundrum! We’d like to introduce you to our Sunny Gazpacho Soup, the newest member of the Spoonful of Comfort family! Our Gazpacho is full of summertime flavors that serve up cold so you can stay out of a hot kitchen while saving your family from succumbing to a case of dreaded summer “hanger.”
Lucky enough to live in a temperate climate where the thermometer never shoots past 79 degrees? Must be nice, can we come stay with you this summer? In this case, our Gazpacho is the perfect gift to send to friends and family trying to survive an actual summer. (Because sending an air-conditioning unit to every loved one dealing with scorching temperatures or high humidity sounds tricky and expensive.) Best to just send a flavor-packed soup filled with summer veggies, rolls ready to serve straight from the box, and cookies that pair perfectly with a cold glass of milk.
Want to know what makes our Gazpacho so great, besides the whole “serve up cold” thing? Every ingredient comes straight from the garden, and is picked and processed within a few hours. Think vine ripened tomatoes, sweet bell-peppers, tangy onions and garlic, crunchy cucumbers, and all the fresh herbs your heart desires. We like to call this recipe pure sunshine in a soup, and once you get a taste of it, we know you’ll agree.
So, start thinking of which special someone in your life needs a hot kitchen intervention, and send them the perfect no cook, no bake, no grill dinner! They, (and their popsicle supply,) will thank you!